we watched this video today about abortion.. basically it shows dead babies or is it fetuses? it was kinda disturbing kasi that's how they do it pala..
first they puncture the sac where the fetus or the baby is then after puncturing all sorts of liquid flows and while all this is happening the baby is actually moving wildly with increased heart beat of upto 200 daw.. wawa un baby..
then after that they get this sucking machine.. and this gadget sucks and crushes the tiny baby's body! well everything except the head, that has been ripped off, remains in the uterus (tama ba?)..
after that they get this instrument to grab the remaining head of the baby out of the body or was it crushed? im not sure if they crush the head so that they can use the machine to suck it.. either way is really brutal still.
now, im anti abortion.. cause kawawa un baby while it was nagwawala inside the womb you can really see it moving all around feeling the incredible threat in his life.. poor thing. but am i really against it? im still not sure.. hmmmm.. kasi all my life ive thought that abortion is okay.. pero i think i still think its a bit ok.. i guess it really depends on the situation.
i was actually planning to skip my psycho class.. pero i figured its better if i went in so that i could contradict further my prof's views about things. and guess what, she said she was like part of this advocacy group that tells families that they should have more babies! which totally got me into madman mode.
she said japan daw and all those other countries are having less younger people daw cause they focus more on their careers and all those kinda shit..
the philippines for your information is different.. very different. and yes it may be unfair but the poor should try slowing down and control their family's growth! will you guys stop fucking!!! from morning till night all you do is fuck fuck fuck and you cant even feed 2 kids goddamit!
the poorer gets poorer because they give birth to so many kids.. dont compare the philipines with other nations kasi tulad ng sabi ng ABC5 "iba tayo".
why would you make families want to have more babies? what if they cant support more than 3 kids? or 4 kids? it doesnt matter how many kids..
whats important for me is that you plan how many kids you can support and you stop at that! beyond that and the kid suffers.. and of course you also suffer as a consequence.. you want only the best for your kids diba? so there should be a limit so that you have enough resources to give your family a good life.
other nations.. yes go and multiply!
but for the philippines (FOR NOW), slow down cause if they dont their all just gonna crash and burn.
one more thing.. you know our prof is very open about discussing sex in class.. so she was telling us guys dont have sex.. yeah im SURE all the men on my class will obey her words thats for SURE!
she also said.. ladies dont give your man blowjob.. haha!
that KILLED me!
she told us just the act of kneeling down is very degrading.. your dignity hits the floor as you go up and down up and down.
well okay maybe she had some points..
i guess you just have to have a limit in everything you do.