Friday, December 19, 2008


I have red bumps on the inside of my elbows.
It's a little itchy and it looks disgusting.
And now I can see some small red bumps at the top of my hands.

WTF are these red bumps?
Are these what you call rashes?
I really don't know. I don't really now how rashes look like.
It has been a week since it started.. It's really bothering me and I'm worried.
I'm a goddamn worrier after all.

bummer bummer goddamn bummer.
I already made an appointment with my dermatologist on Monday.
Can this be linked to the Isotretinoin that I have been taking for almost 2 months now?
I hope it is only a side effect of Isotretinoin, it's better that than something else.
Monday, please come quick. This is really driving me crazy.
I still have 4 10mg Isotretinoin pills left. I want to finish it and never take it again if it is the cause of this disgusting red red fucking red bumps.
I find Doc's chemical peel and acne surgery more effective than Isotretinoin anyway.

Dear God,
Please let this be nothing but a side effect of the pill I'm taking.


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