Tuesday, November 29, 2005

full of good old shit

i was reading the philippine daily inquirer and i came across this short article..
it was michelle r. velhagen's view on the groups seeking justice for the allegedly raped slut and i liked what she was saying..
and i agree that these people are just full of shit!

"...i see all this militant groups and women's rights groups marching on the streets to express their anger at the accused americans, the US gov't, and the VFA...

but what i would like to know is,
where are all these groups,
where are all these politicians when our women are being raped by local men?

this is one woman.

what about the hundreds of other women raped by drunken filipino men?
where are these people who scream for the rights of this one woman?
why dont they fight for the other women who have to hide their faces and sit silently, sometimes not even reporting the assualt because no one will fight for their rights...

if they really care about women's rights, then they should fight for all women who have been attacked, assaulted, and raped, not just for this one woman.

otherwise they just give the impression that their fight for this woman is purely politically motivated; that they dont care about the woman; that they are just using her in the incident to stage their political views.

if this are the groups and the people who are supposed to fight for women's rights, then i think its very sad, and we have a long way to go."


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