Wednesday, November 05, 2008


obama won.
oh crap.
this is going to be very bad for the Philippines.

i see dark clouds coming this way.


i can't believe America voted for a black man.
i just don't see obama as a good leader.
he seems like such a pretentious person.
go to hell barrack.


i was blog hopping and i just don't get it.
why are these people so happy that obama won????
it's crazy.
obama may do America good but it will not do OUR COUNTRY any good, so what's with the fucking celebration?
you guys are in the Philippines and not in the US for Christ sake.
as Filipino citizens we must support the one that would do OUR COUNTRY good.
obama does not give a crap about OUR COUNTRY.

Jesus Christ!
what absolute bull is this?

after rereading this post.
i thought, "am I over reacting?"
if i am,

sorry (in the tone that GMA used when she said i am sorry on national TV).


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