Saturday, November 19, 2005

yes i killed him

sm valenzuela sucks.. its not even an sm "city" its actually a "supercenter".. its so small!

whats new? hmmm..
i still want raul gonzales to die
still want philip salvador to die..
and damn do i hate spareribs!

yesterday during my siesta.. i had a dream about this dog, a small dog and it died.. it was not in my intention to kill but i sure damn guided him to his death!

i was in this apartment building.. this dog on the hallway starts making kulit with me playing around and everything.. i dont know why but i was getting annoyed with this cute dog, so what i did was.. i played around with him then went to this somekind of fire exit with steel stairs.. i played around on the edge thinking he would fall down the stairs and just stay there..

the freakin dog fell alright.. but goddamit he went running back to me... then..
(this part i wasn't sure) i was not sure if i kicked him or i just tricked it so that he would fall off again on the steel stairs.. either of the two happened.. he plunged down the stairs then i heard a "boom" and an "awwrr".. i looked down and saw the dog dead.. mouth open eyes open and so freakin dead! -the end

eddie guerero is also dead.. poor guy. he must have ate too much frog legs that night and had bangungot.. sigh!

our psychology prof.. she's so conservative..
she's against human cloning.. against abortion.. and God knows what else she's against with!
on the other hand im pro abortion.. pro cloning.. pro birth control.
we're totally from opposite sides of the universe.
and she told us she hopes she's no longer in this world when humans have finally found the key to cloning..
well i hope she sees it all! i hope she wakes up and a clone of herself is laying beside her staring her straight in the eyes!
and yes i want her to scream when that happens, scream til it hurts so bad.. so bad that she'll want put an end to her own conservative life.


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