Friday, August 08, 2008


i was itching like crazy last night and i couldn't find a single Virlix or Zyrtec or Iterax.
when i woke up i felt something wet on my right leg. it was blood.
damn this allergy i have. i can't go for 3 days without taking an anti-histamine.
it's so troublesome.

anyway, i asked my mom to buy me Virlix or anything really just to make the itching stop! she ended up buying Iterax because the mini-botika she went to did not have Virlix.

Iterax is like my latest discovery although i know it has been on the market for a long time already. i remember the doctor told me it could make me feel drowsy and that i should drink it at night before i sleep preferably.
and the night that i took Iterax.
i have never fallen asleep as fast as i did that night. around 30mins after taking it i felt drowsy.. by the time i lay down my bed i was out in no time.
good stuff. good stuff.
although i do think Virlix or Zyrtec works better for the itching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like......

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Tina Hansar and i would like to show you my personal experience with Zyrtec.

I am 40 years old. Have been on Zyrtec for 4 years now. When first began taking zyrtec, the allergy relief was great. But it did make me very, very tired. Later added singulair. Took both at night. So exhausted, couldn't function well thru the day but didn't link it to meds. Had repeat blood tests for anemia, thyroid, etc. but all came back normal. Switched singulair to morning to stretch out side effects, but still drained of energy. After taking these meds for years, just stopped about 3 months ago and energy level is back to normal. Allergies are bad again, but will take that any day over not being able to get out of bed and not having energy to get thru the day. Also, hair loss is no longer.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Extreme exhaustion, lethargy, loss of interest, hip pain, back pain, occasional dizziness, hair loss.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Tina Hansar

9:13 PM  

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