Thursday, March 09, 2006

wat thee fuck?

people.. most try to be someone who they are not.. but i guess its okay.

its finals week.. i was having my finals on a filipino subject.. i have this classmate nathaniel.

he is psycho i dont know how his gf puts up with him..
honestly, i dont even know how he managed to get a gf!

we're the same in a way.. short fused.. gets heated up easily..
but i dont explode in class..
nope i dont do that because its psycho and immature.

what he did was he banged the door so loud everyone must have been wondering what the fuck was happening.. im not sure what happened but i think it was because someone occupied his seat? (what the fuck?! thats it??)

when i got in the class.. someone was siting on my seat and i just sat somewhere else.. whats the big deal? it did give me a harder time to cheat.. but i managed to copy the paper of the girl seated at my back..

i dont know what his problem is.. but if he is smart as they say he is.. i dont see a goddam problem if he sits somewhere else..
chill out man.. its just a stupid seat.

but you know what i think?
i think he has a problem with his masculinity..
i dont know.. thats what i think..
and thats why he always try to act all tough in front of everyone..
trying to look macho and smart and all that..
but you dont have to do that.. cause you arent proving anything by doing all those things.. just be yourself.. although sometimes you have to be plastic depending on the situation.

or maybe he's just plain arrogant..
he did rudely treat a professor last semester..
accusing her of favoritism in front of the whole class not thinking that without her (the professor) he would be nothing!
nothing at all and no one would even know he exists..
what an ungrateful bastard.. it was the professor who let him join all those marketing competitions.

nathaniel = jerk
you can go to hell, fucker.


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